
Bernie Sanders visits Manassas

Written on:September 16, 2015
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On Monday, September 14, Bernie Sanders appeared before 2000-3000 folks at the Manassas Fair Grounds.  I could not attend but as I understand it, he addressed subjects such as income inequality, racism/police brutality and respect for the police.  Earlier in the day, he addressed the students at Liberty University.  I noticed that he was very honest and straight-forward about his positions.  His social positions are inconsistent with Liberty University’s culture.  Nonetheless, he pressed forward regarding economic inequality which is something the students could probably understand and accept.  I think it’s good that Bernie is campaigning.  His tone is the absolute antithesis of The Donald who insults and obviously lacks any concrete plans or understanding of anything other than promoting hate.  I used to think he was entertaining and laughable.  But now not so much.  It’s scary to think that there are human beings who are seriously impressed by his rhetoric.  I get the argument:  The public is disenchanted with the status quo.  But is the answer to elect a big mouthed know nothing?  Apparently it is, for the Republicans, that is.  Oy.  Thank you Bernie for your sanity. 12036381_940595862645553_1819625214783510017_n