
An upside down world: The Pope is in town

Written on:September 23, 2015
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How ironic that when Pope Francis arrives, the GOP is in a snit.  That Pope is no scientist, they say.  I think someone with a Master’s Degree in Chemistry can identify himself as a scientist as opposed to say, Marco Rubio, a lawyer.  George Will has completely rejected the Pope entirely because of his views. And who knows what will happen tomorrow when the Pope addresses Congress.  When the Pope brings up the subject of poverty, he’s not an economist say the GOP. Poverty can only be eliminated if the rich get richer which is essentially the message from the right.

I’m kind of perversely hoping that one of the members of Congress who has decided not to boycott the speech will yell something completely inappropriate and bring the boorish GOP to the attention of more Americans and the world.  The members have been given some rules for conduct while the Pope is in the chamber but that’s never stopped some of these knuckleheads.

And what was Fox News airing during the Pope’s visit?  Critical stories on Benghazi and emails.  They just keep brain-washing their low information viewers who like being enslaved by the right.  It’s pathetic.

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