
Parrish Robocall

Written on:September 24, 2015
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Let me start by revealing that I’ve become Pope obsessed.  I watched almost all day and for sure watched him address Congress.  I was guess that his speech pleased liberals more than conservatives. Most of what the Pope endorses sounds a lot like Bernie Sanders.  I would guess that the only position that is unaligned with the left is women’s reproductive rights.  But climate change, poverty, death penalty and immigration sounded like a campaign speech that could have been given by nearly any Democrat.

But I digress.  I received my first Robocall from Hal.  It annoys me that he sounds so approachable and nice.  He is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  That down home, oh gosh, affect is so disingenuous.  We know he will oppose Medicaid expansion.  He is the antithesis of the Pope when it comes to assisting the poor.  I am saying this because there is no doubt in my mind, based on the truckload of money that the Virginia GOP has contributed to his campaign, he will be in lock-step with the likes of the rest of the radical right wingers.  What galls me every time I see one of his yard signs is that he won’t publicize that he is a red meat Republican.  Frankly, it’s dishonest.

I’m sorry there isn’t going to be a debate but as we know, Hal tried to pull a fast one by offering up a venue without mentioning to the McPike campaign that it was the office for Ian Lovejoy.  Another sign of continuing either dishonesty or poor judgment.  Either way, Hal can’t be trusted.

Ok.  Now that I’ve got that off of my chest, it’s time to get back to the Pope in New York.